Georgia Will Have Republicans in Top Three U.S. House Committees

Georgia will have four Republicans in three of the most powerful House of Representatives committees: Representative Andrew Clyde (R-GA-09) was picked for the Appropriations Committee, and Representative Rick Allen (R-GA-12) was selected for the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Representative Buddy Carter (R-GA-01) already serves on that committee, and Representative Drew Ferguson (R-GA-03) already serves on the Ways and Means Committee.

Committees decide the fate of legislation in Congress and hold hearings. The appointments of Clyde and Allen to the committees give them more personal power and opportunities to advance their careers, but the positions also give them the ability to influence major legislation on behalf of their districts more directly.

“In the face of our ballooning national debt, weak economy, and looming recession, House Republicans must usher in much-needed oversight and accountability to ensure American taxpayer dollars are spent in a responsible manner,” Clyde said in a press release. “As a new Member of the Appropriations Committee, I’m thrilled to join the fight in passing conservative appropriations bills by reducing senseless spending and practicing fiscal restraint.”

He continued, “Georgia proudly houses more than a dozen military installations and receives over $100 billion in federal aid, which is why it’s imperative that a Republican Member of the delegation has a seat at the table and a role in responsibly shaping federal appropriations. I look forward to serving as a voice for the Peach State, working with my colleagues to conduct proper oversight over federal spending, and fighting to restore fiscal sanity here in Washington. Let’s get to work!”

After Allen’s selection for the Energy and Commerce Committee, he said in a press release, “I am thrilled to begin serving on the House Energy and Commerce Committee. I look forward to working with my fellow members to continue fighting for policies to unleash American energy, reduce health care costs, and bring high-speed internet to rural America.”

“Georgia’s 12th District has many priorities that align with this great committee. We are home to Plant Vogtle, where the first two new nuclear reactors built in 30 years are currently under construction and expected to come online this year. Our district is also the cyber hub of the Southeast, housing U.S. Army Cyber Command, the U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence, and National Security Agency-Georgia. One of the Energy Department’s 17 National Labs is housed at Savannah River Site, right across the river in South Carolina, and 40 percent of their workforce live in my district,” Allen said.

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Eric Burk is a reporter at The Georgia Star News and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Andrew Clyde” by Congressman Andrew Clyde. Photo “Rick Allen” by Rick Allen. Photo “Buddy Carter” by Congressman Buddy Carter. Photo “Drew Ferguson” by Congressman Drew Ferguson. Background Photo “U.S. Capitol” by GPA Photo Archive.


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